Friday, October 12, 2007

Only In Utah

Working in a school in Utah, I hear all kinds of things in the faculty lounge. I have started a list of things I have heard that can only happen in Utah.
One day I heard a Teacher talking to another Teacher about her son. He had hurt himself while playing football in high school. The teacher continued to say that her son and her brother were on the same team....An uncle and a nephew in the same grade. Only in Utah!

The second one makes me undecided if I should laugh or scream...since I live in Utah, I guess I will just choose to laugh:

The vice Principle came into my classroom one day and while he was there, his radio went off. It was the Intern administrator. She said, "Mr. Jensen, there are some kids in the lunch room playing with face cards. How do you feel about that."

"Better tell them to put them away," he replied "We don't want them gambling or anything."

She didn't say what they were playing, but I doubt they were gambling. More likely playing slap, or speed. UHG!! Only in Utah!


Sister Mary Lisa said...

Oh God. That kills me. Too funny!

JulieOShields said...

I guess. Most of the time it just kills me. I wish I weren't the only LDS person at work...I guess TBS who live outside of Utah may with for the opposite!

If you can't beat them, laugh at them. :-)

Jazzy said...

I agree with Lisa, although I bet there are teachers in other schools that would say the same things. Too funny!

JulieOShields said...

I guess Every State/City has their quirks.