I spent the last two days conducting student elections at the junior high school were I work. I am the Computer Lab Supervisor. This year, the Student Council adviser decided to try an online vote instead of a paper ballot. It took a little organizing, but by the third class in the lab to vote, I had a system. The last class of the day finished voting at 2:00 pm, and the winners were announced at 2:30. For the most part, the election went smootly, but it got me thinking.
It was interesting to listen to the students as they came in to vote. The majority commented they didn’t know any one on the ballot. A few of the students chose not to vote, but most just picked the first name on the ballot, or one with a name they liked. I realize these were 7th and 8th graders for which school politics had little meaning to, but I wonder how many adults take voting the same way.
How many people go to the polls just like these students and say, I don’t really know anyone on the ballot, so I think I will just pick this one… he has a cool name. Would it be better if you just stayed home on election day if you didn’t do your homework first?
…Just thinking.