Friday, August 3, 2007

First Attempt at Poetry

Racing Thoughts

Thoughts racing, colliding day and night.
Thoughts about safety, Thoughts about health.
Fleeting thoughts that pass so quickly, they can’t be recalled.

In any given moment, multiple thoughts, multiple topics..
What will I make for dinner?
What’s up with Bush and his war anyway?
How will I pay for registration at the public high school?

Important thoughts I am sure to forget before I complete them.
Will his blood sugar level drop low in the night?
Will she do well in school this year?
Will she make new friends at her new High School?

Irrelevant thought taking up space in my head.
What is the person in the car next to me singing to?
What was she thinking when she got dressed this morning?
I wonder where that smell is coming from.

Day and night the thoughts continue in my mind,
How do I expect to get anything accomplished?
How will I ever get to sleep?
Please just let them slow down…Just a little bit,
Just for a minute.

Dark, quiet room...falling asleep.
Quiet at last until the dreaming starts.
Here we go again.

A new day for new thoughts…
Do I look okay?
Will people like me?
What if people hate what I write?

Shh… don’t worry about what others think.
Those thoughts fall in the irrelevant category
Save space for the important things in life.


Sister Mary Lisa said...

Great poem, JulieO. Well-written. I often have thoughts that won't stop like you describe here.

JulieOShields said...

LOL, since I wrote the poem, I am ever more mindful of the thoughts that don't stop, and think of ways I could put them into the keeps me up at night!

Jazzy said...

Great first attempt! I invite you to read the poems that I have written and published on my blog. I created special links for my poems in the links.

Keep writing!!

JulieOShields said...

Thanks Jazzy. I will go back and read your poetry. Is it ok if I copy the format of someone else poem, or is that not cool? I read one on cellermans sight that I wanted to try the format of. I am not familiar enough with poetry to know if it is just a common form like a HAIKU. Thanks!