Friday, August 10, 2007

Wine Tasting Party In Planning in Progress

I have decided I really like Wine. I don't know a lot about it, but am learning over time. I go to the state liquor store and go up and down the isle tying to find just the right bottle. Since I know nothing about it, this becomes a difficult task.

I am learning though. I like Shiraz Wines, and don't like really dark bitter ones. I love sweet wines such as Gewurztraminer Wine. I like almost any variety of Yellow Tail wine. Beringer is also a good brand. I am still accumulating favorite wines on my list.

My dream is to host a wine tasting party. I will invite all of my friends and ask them to bring their favorite wine, and a food that pairs well with it. I am trying to find small wine glasses...a friend said she saw some at the IKIA that recently opened near her house.

I have had a few people tell me I should do this. One of my good friends said she wanted a sophisticated party...(She was a little drunk at the time...I hope she remembers!) Sophisticated is what I am looking for. The party needs to be about the wine and conversation. I am thinking more formal dress (not tuxedo, but cocktail dresses for women and appropriate matching formality for men. Maybe start the party around 8:00 PM to fit the formal theme. I am open to more ideas. I am thinking in the next week or two, but we have a couple of things that have to be done around the house first. My husband said he needs to seal the patio before we have people on it with something that could stain it.

If you are reading this and you think of things I have missed, please let me know. This is a new thing for me, and I want it to be spectacular! Of course it is open invitation, so if I don't have your email address and you would like to come, get me the address!


hm-uk said...

Hi Julie,

I hope your wine tasting party goes well. If you like fruity, sweet wines then you can't beat some of the Californian Chardonnay wines. If you want to be a bit adventurous (but not too pricey) then go with Arniston Bay, which is a SA wine. It goes great with cheeses that have a bite like Stilton or Cheddar.

As for Shiraz, I think I remember rightly that Wolf Blass (yellow label) is a brilliant red. It's quite peppery and you have to decant it and let it sit for a while.

Cheap wine glasses from IKEA are fine - they've always worked for me. I think if you're going for a sophisticated party two things to remember are: music and lighting. Both have a huge part to play in the atmosphere of a gathering and in making people feel comfortable. Any music that dominates - in other words, if people are paying more attention to the music than each other - isn't a good thing. I don't know what your taste in music is, but keep the lighting soft (lamps or uplighters are preferable to overhead lighting). Have a few different seating areas - inside and outside. Avoid fire unless it's in a fireplace...someone will inevitably knock over a candle and spill wax onto your best table cloth, favourite rug, nicest sofa. Plus, alcohol and fire are a bit of a danger. It's best not to have your guests mix red wine after white - white after red seems to be okay - but otherwise you'll have some people who'll have to vomit. Also, another thing to remember when you have a party with alcohol is that driving home might be a tricky situation. My suggestion would be to arrange groups of people take cabs to and from your house to avoid having anyone drink and drive over the legal limit. Plus, arguing with Mr Smith over whether he should be allowed to drive isn't sophisticated, at all, and may ruin your atmosphere.

Good luck, it sounds like a you're in for a fun night.

JulieOShields said...

Thank you for all of the advise you gave. Sounds like you know how to throw a party.
My friend has a very large house and a back yard with several different seating areas. She has offered to have the party at her house. That in itself, will add more sophistication than I could ever have at my house. Her stipulation is that people don't get smashed, and then stop acting sophisticated. LOL. She has a Stake pres. on one side of her, and a bishop on the other, so we don't want to make her uncomfortable in her own neighborhood after the party.
We found some really small wine glasses at IKEA. I think we will go with those.
Thank you for the wine suggestions. I am kind of new to wine and haven't really decided which are the best ones.
As far as the driving goes, we are pretty spread out here. Most will be coming from too far away to take a cab. People usually just decide before hand on a designated driver. It has worked in the past. Also, we tend to stay late, so the alcohol can get through our systems before we leave.
All I have to do now is set the date. I think we decided it would be best to let everyone get settled into the new back to school routine. Not only do we all have Children to send off, but at least three of us will be starting work next week in schools.
It will be nice to have something to look forward to after a hectic week or to of school.
Thanks again for you input. I will check out those wines you suggested.