Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Pleasant Grove Lady Viking Lacrosse

I was able to help out this season by running the offical game clock, which helped me to understand the game a little more. It is a complicated game for those who are not familiar with it. It is evan difficult for those who are familiar with boys Lacrosse because the rules are so different. The boys can hit each other, the girls have to be more civil to each other.
At the end of the year, the girls vote for next years team captain, and the current team captains hand out awards. Marissa was elected as on of three team captains for next season, and her award was "Lightening Legs" for running her white leggs up and down the field playing midfield and where ever else they put her.
Next year the team will be a Varsity team as opposed to a JV team, which means the stats mean something, and College scouts will be at some of the games. Marissa would love to play for a College level team. It will be her last year as a high school player, and I find myself looking forward to freezing on the sidelines when the season starts in the early spring.
Monday, March 2, 2009
5130 Thompson Cr. Rd. - Scorpion Bite
The morning I started 5th grade Granny and Papa Odom were visiting. I was sleeping on the floor and when I got up to get dressed I remember being so excited because I had a new store bought pair of pants. I was excited because I didn’t usually get new store bought clothes. Being the middle child from a large family, I often had hand me down clothes, and my mom was an excellent seamstress. She sewed most of my clothing. This particular morning I woke up and put on my new outfit I had laid out the night before. As soon as I pulled up the pants I started crying.
“Julie, what are you crying about now? Stop crying!” my mother called out. (I guess I cried a lot.) I told her something bit me. She told me to show her. I had to take off the pants to show her, and it looked like a bee sting. She shook out my pants and out fell a scorpion. I remember it being about 4 inches long from tail to pinchers if it was stretched out.
I was certain I was going to die. The sight of the scorpion increased my pain 10 fold. The whimpering I started with turned in to wailing. Papa Odom got up and came to me. He brought his remedy for every ailment. As Windex was in the Movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, Vicks Vapor Salve was to my papa. He rubbed some on, and told me it would help take the poison out. My mom told me I needed to get ready for school so I wouldn’t be late. I was upset by her lack of concern for my trauma I had suffered. I limped off to school. I was excited to tell everyone of my near death experience.
I don’t remember the walk to the bus stop. It usually took about 30 minutes because it was 1 ½ miles away. I guess I could have gotten a ride. At any rate, after my 30 minute bus ride I was on the playground at school waiting for the bell. I was telling Lynda, my best friend,(and anyone else who would listen,) about the 6 inch scorpion that had stung me. None of my friends had been stung by a scorpion before, so I got a lot of sympathy. When Mrs. Bottero, My 5th grade teacher, and the principal of Selma Elementary school called us in to class I was telling her about it and went to show her the evidence. Much to my dismay, I couldn’t remember which leg had been bitten, and there was no evidence at all.
“Julie, what are you crying about now? Stop crying!” my mother called out. (I guess I cried a lot.) I told her something bit me. She told me to show her. I had to take off the pants to show her, and it looked like a bee sting. She shook out my pants and out fell a scorpion. I remember it being about 4 inches long from tail to pinchers if it was stretched out.
I was certain I was going to die. The sight of the scorpion increased my pain 10 fold. The whimpering I started with turned in to wailing. Papa Odom got up and came to me. He brought his remedy for every ailment. As Windex was in the Movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, Vicks Vapor Salve was to my papa. He rubbed some on, and told me it would help take the poison out. My mom told me I needed to get ready for school so I wouldn’t be late. I was upset by her lack of concern for my trauma I had suffered. I limped off to school. I was excited to tell everyone of my near death experience.
I don’t remember the walk to the bus stop. It usually took about 30 minutes because it was 1 ½ miles away. I guess I could have gotten a ride. At any rate, after my 30 minute bus ride I was on the playground at school waiting for the bell. I was telling Lynda, my best friend,(and anyone else who would listen,) about the 6 inch scorpion that had stung me. None of my friends had been stung by a scorpion before, so I got a lot of sympathy. When Mrs. Bottero, My 5th grade teacher, and the principal of Selma Elementary school called us in to class I was telling her about it and went to show her the evidence. Much to my dismay, I couldn’t remember which leg had been bitten, and there was no evidence at all.
A New Project - 5130 Thompson Cr. Rd.
I have been encouraged by many friends to write down my childhood memories of growing up in Selma, Oregon. I will post some of the stories as I write them, not necessarily in chronological order.
Thank you for indulging me.
Thank you for indulging me.
Friday, February 13, 2009
An Interesting Observation
My husband made an intersting observation the other day. He told me he had heard so much about Facebook bringing people from far away together. It gives old friends and family the chance to keep in touch and post pictures, as well as other forms of interacting.
The intersting part was that Facebook takes so much time. It is easy to get sucked into Facebook world and stay there for hours. By doing so, althogh you are interacting with those far away, you are not with those in the same room.
My goal is to try and stike a balance between these two worlds.
The intersting part was that Facebook takes so much time. It is easy to get sucked into Facebook world and stay there for hours. By doing so, althogh you are interacting with those far away, you are not with those in the same room.
My goal is to try and stike a balance between these two worlds.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
New Love
I decided I love Facebook. I used to like it because I could go and chat with people from all over the world and make new friends. I enjoyed wasting time playing poker and even got good enough to win tournaments. It was fun to see what all of my friends were thinking, through their status updates. I still like all of those things, but I have found a bigger purpose and a stronger love.
At first it was just me and my youngest sister on. My husband and children were also on. Then one by one I started collecting more family friends. Now I have a large part of my extended family as well as 5 of my 7 siblings on. It is so much fun to re-connect after a long time of just seeing each other once every few years, and occasionally talking on the phone. Facebook is like a glue for my family, piecing us all back together.
We are still spread out from Alaska to Virginia on my side of the family and from Utah to Main on my husbands side, but we regularly send messages now, and even chat from time to time. This rarely happened in the past. I have been learning all kinds of interesting facts through the notes of 25 Interesting things about me lists that we have been circulating. The lists have some new nuggets of information that I didn't know, and memories of the past and things I had forgotten over time.
Facebook helps my insecurity. I sometimes think I am an invisible person and no one can see me or hear me. Maybe that is why I talk to much. I feel more connected by reading the posts on facebook and making comments and getting the feed back from my comments. In my mind I know this is an immature way to feel, but it is what it is. I will continue my addiction to facebook, and not feel guilty about re-connecting with my family.
At first it was just me and my youngest sister on. My husband and children were also on. Then one by one I started collecting more family friends. Now I have a large part of my extended family as well as 5 of my 7 siblings on. It is so much fun to re-connect after a long time of just seeing each other once every few years, and occasionally talking on the phone. Facebook is like a glue for my family, piecing us all back together.
We are still spread out from Alaska to Virginia on my side of the family and from Utah to Main on my husbands side, but we regularly send messages now, and even chat from time to time. This rarely happened in the past. I have been learning all kinds of interesting facts through the notes of 25 Interesting things about me lists that we have been circulating. The lists have some new nuggets of information that I didn't know, and memories of the past and things I had forgotten over time.
Facebook helps my insecurity. I sometimes think I am an invisible person and no one can see me or hear me. Maybe that is why I talk to much. I feel more connected by reading the posts on facebook and making comments and getting the feed back from my comments. In my mind I know this is an immature way to feel, but it is what it is. I will continue my addiction to facebook, and not feel guilty about re-connecting with my family.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Second List of 25 Things About Me
25 Things about me
1.I was born in Los banos California. My kids have learned a little Spanish and think it is very funny that I was born in the bathroom.
2.I come from a large family, 4 sisters and 3 brothers. Growing up my mantra was: “not Mormon, not Catholic.”
3.While growing up, my dad always accused me of being a city girl. Since moving away from home, I have lived in Boston, NYC, Portland, Seattle and now live in SLC. I love the city!
4.I was a nanny for 2 years and loved it. I started out in NYC for a few months and then moved to Boston. I loved it there and still remember my little Garrett, who is all grown up now.
5.I went to Ricks College in Idaho for 2 years and came away with a degree in Photography. I haven’t used the degree, but would never consider my time in college as a waste. I learned and grew so much over those two years.
6.I dream of being able to draw and paint. My goal is to take art classes when I have time and am not paying for my kids education.
7.I have never had a grey hair, and it is not because I color my hair.
8.I am participating in the Fit:MS challenge which consists of daily activities to improve awareness in Body, Mind and Spirit.
9.I am so proud of my children and all that they do. I used to think it was my job to teach my children. I feel like I learn much more from them than I teach them.
10.I cry whenever I feel strong emotions whether happy, sad, mad or glad.
11.My nickname when I was growing up was chatty Cathy, after a doll who talked when you pulled the string in her back. I have no Idea why I got that nickname!
12.I have been fortunate enough to visit Toulouse France and Barcelona Spain and loved it. I love to travel and hope to do a lot more traveling.
13.While in Hawaii last year, I discovered a love of snorkeling and Snuba Diving (kind of like Scuba diving). Since then I have a made goal to become certified in Scuba diving. I love being under water… while I am not able to Hike or Ski because of my MS, I have no problems under the water and feel very free there.
14.I love Facebook because through it, I have been able to meet people from all over the world and learn of their cultures. I love diversity and don’t see much of it where I live.
15.I am not ticklish and it makes my kids crazy!
16.Since I can remember, I have dreamed of becoming a grandma but always had the fear that I would die before that time came. I am not sure why I thought that way. Maybe because my own mother died just after her first grandchild was born.
17.I never feel I do enough to show my husband how much I love him and how much I appreciate all he does for me and our children.
18.I love where I work and love learning from the Junior high students. I admire them for all they do and are becoming. I admire the teachers for transforming them into productive young adults. The classes all inspire me… Then English classes give me hope I can learn to write, and the French class makes me long to speak French.
19.I love hearing Marissa and Daniel talk to each other in French and talk to each other about their French classes.
20.I often think about how life used to be when families lived close to each other and communicated and visited often, like I did with my extended family while growing up. Though times have changed, I see a shift back that direction in a way. Technology now makes it easier to stay in touch. Just this month I have been re-acquainted with several cousins and other relatives through Facebook and am very thankful for that.
21.I would never be able to write anything without spell check. I don’t know how people did it before the word processing era.
22.I love to sing and wish I was brave enough to do karaoke.
23.I would love to finish school and earn a bachelors degree and often contemplate what I would major in.
24.I am an extrovert and get my energy from socializing and entertaining. I am married to an introvert who is the opposite. We keep each other on an even keel.
25.I have always dreamed of going on one of those big sail boats with all of the masts, like the ones in Pirates of the Caribbean.
Wow! I didn’t think I could make one list of 25 things and now I have completed a second one. Very fun activity, you should try it!
1.I was born in Los banos California. My kids have learned a little Spanish and think it is very funny that I was born in the bathroom.
2.I come from a large family, 4 sisters and 3 brothers. Growing up my mantra was: “not Mormon, not Catholic.”
3.While growing up, my dad always accused me of being a city girl. Since moving away from home, I have lived in Boston, NYC, Portland, Seattle and now live in SLC. I love the city!
4.I was a nanny for 2 years and loved it. I started out in NYC for a few months and then moved to Boston. I loved it there and still remember my little Garrett, who is all grown up now.
5.I went to Ricks College in Idaho for 2 years and came away with a degree in Photography. I haven’t used the degree, but would never consider my time in college as a waste. I learned and grew so much over those two years.
6.I dream of being able to draw and paint. My goal is to take art classes when I have time and am not paying for my kids education.
7.I have never had a grey hair, and it is not because I color my hair.
8.I am participating in the Fit:MS challenge which consists of daily activities to improve awareness in Body, Mind and Spirit.
9.I am so proud of my children and all that they do. I used to think it was my job to teach my children. I feel like I learn much more from them than I teach them.
10.I cry whenever I feel strong emotions whether happy, sad, mad or glad.
11.My nickname when I was growing up was chatty Cathy, after a doll who talked when you pulled the string in her back. I have no Idea why I got that nickname!
12.I have been fortunate enough to visit Toulouse France and Barcelona Spain and loved it. I love to travel and hope to do a lot more traveling.
13.While in Hawaii last year, I discovered a love of snorkeling and Snuba Diving (kind of like Scuba diving). Since then I have a made goal to become certified in Scuba diving. I love being under water… while I am not able to Hike or Ski because of my MS, I have no problems under the water and feel very free there.
14.I love Facebook because through it, I have been able to meet people from all over the world and learn of their cultures. I love diversity and don’t see much of it where I live.
15.I am not ticklish and it makes my kids crazy!
16.Since I can remember, I have dreamed of becoming a grandma but always had the fear that I would die before that time came. I am not sure why I thought that way. Maybe because my own mother died just after her first grandchild was born.
17.I never feel I do enough to show my husband how much I love him and how much I appreciate all he does for me and our children.
18.I love where I work and love learning from the Junior high students. I admire them for all they do and are becoming. I admire the teachers for transforming them into productive young adults. The classes all inspire me… Then English classes give me hope I can learn to write, and the French class makes me long to speak French.
19.I love hearing Marissa and Daniel talk to each other in French and talk to each other about their French classes.
20.I often think about how life used to be when families lived close to each other and communicated and visited often, like I did with my extended family while growing up. Though times have changed, I see a shift back that direction in a way. Technology now makes it easier to stay in touch. Just this month I have been re-acquainted with several cousins and other relatives through Facebook and am very thankful for that.
21.I would never be able to write anything without spell check. I don’t know how people did it before the word processing era.
22.I love to sing and wish I was brave enough to do karaoke.
23.I would love to finish school and earn a bachelors degree and often contemplate what I would major in.
24.I am an extrovert and get my energy from socializing and entertaining. I am married to an introvert who is the opposite. We keep each other on an even keel.
25.I have always dreamed of going on one of those big sail boats with all of the masts, like the ones in Pirates of the Caribbean.
Wow! I didn’t think I could make one list of 25 things and now I have completed a second one. Very fun activity, you should try it!
Monday, January 26, 2009
25 Random Things about me
I was challenged on Facebook to make a list of 25 Random things about me. I thought I would post it here as well as on Facebook.
1. I think my birth certificate has the wrong year for date of birth. I am not as old as it says I am.
2. I love looking at old pictures of my kids when they were young, but I love that they are grown up now and I can have fun conversations with them about their lives.
3. I am in charge of the computer labs at Lakeridge Junior High in Orem, Utah and love it… most days.
4. I have a love hate relationship with my computers.
5. I have lived in Utah for more than ½ of my married life even though it was a stipulation before we got married that we never live in Utah. (it is not all bad.)
6. I love my husband and we have been married almost 20 years.
7…this is a random list and is not in any particular order.
8. I eat lunch at 10:45 on Mondays… early out schedule.
9. I am addicted to facebook and have withdrawals while I am at work if I can’t see it on my phone.
10. I have had MS for 21 years and am doing well.
11.I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers.
12.4 sisters are on Facebook and 1 brother is. We are working on the other 2.
13. I am going to spend 4th of July weekend at a family reunion and then go to the Oregon coast.
14. I graduated from Illinois Valley High School in 1984 and am excited to see a bunch of my classmates and friends joining Facebook.
15. I used to be Mormon but am not anymore.
16. I have 2 beautiful daughters and a good looking, very bright son.
17. I have a daughter at USU. This makes me feel old and young at the same time.
18.I often cry when I mean to laugh.
19. I love watching movies in my home theater my husband worked so hard to make.
20. I love coffee and I love tea. Sometimes I have a hard time deciding which I should drink in the morning.
21.I have a blog I work on from time to time. You will find many more random things there. http://thoughtsrantsandvents.blogspot.com/
22. Although I am no writer, I love to make up titles to stories or articles like Sarah Jessica Parker does on Sex in the City.
23. I am glad my husband always loves me, even when I don’t deserve it.
24. I am going to teach a 10 week 4H club section on using Google and the Internet.
25. I am grateful for all of my friends who helped me though my exit from the LSD church, and for the LDS friends who still love me even after I left.
1. I think my birth certificate has the wrong year for date of birth. I am not as old as it says I am.
2. I love looking at old pictures of my kids when they were young, but I love that they are grown up now and I can have fun conversations with them about their lives.
3. I am in charge of the computer labs at Lakeridge Junior High in Orem, Utah and love it… most days.
4. I have a love hate relationship with my computers.
5. I have lived in Utah for more than ½ of my married life even though it was a stipulation before we got married that we never live in Utah. (it is not all bad.)
6. I love my husband and we have been married almost 20 years.
7…this is a random list and is not in any particular order.
8. I eat lunch at 10:45 on Mondays… early out schedule.
9. I am addicted to facebook and have withdrawals while I am at work if I can’t see it on my phone.
10. I have had MS for 21 years and am doing well.
11.I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers.
12.4 sisters are on Facebook and 1 brother is. We are working on the other 2.
13. I am going to spend 4th of July weekend at a family reunion and then go to the Oregon coast.
14. I graduated from Illinois Valley High School in 1984 and am excited to see a bunch of my classmates and friends joining Facebook.
15. I used to be Mormon but am not anymore.
16. I have 2 beautiful daughters and a good looking, very bright son.
17. I have a daughter at USU. This makes me feel old and young at the same time.
18.I often cry when I mean to laugh.
19. I love watching movies in my home theater my husband worked so hard to make.
20. I love coffee and I love tea. Sometimes I have a hard time deciding which I should drink in the morning.
21.I have a blog I work on from time to time. You will find many more random things there. http://thoughtsrantsandvents.blogspot.com/
22. Although I am no writer, I love to make up titles to stories or articles like Sarah Jessica Parker does on Sex in the City.
23. I am glad my husband always loves me, even when I don’t deserve it.
24. I am going to teach a 10 week 4H club section on using Google and the Internet.
25. I am grateful for all of my friends who helped me though my exit from the LSD church, and for the LDS friends who still love me even after I left.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Progress Update
It has been nearly a week since I started the FitMS Challenge. I think it is going ok. I am one driven by goals and rewards. Though I don't expect a material reward for participating in the challenge, and meeting my goals everyday, there is something about putting a check in a box saying I have completed something that drives me.
I have been playing a matching game on my computer several times a day for my mind challenge. I enjoy doing the matching game, and it is quick. I can play in between classes in my lab. I am going to purchase a book of mind puzzles next month. The book has word search, math puzzles, word puzzles and many other types of activities. I could probably do the same thing on the computer, but there is something about holding a pencil and writing things.
I have been doing the easy thing for the body portion of the challenge this week. I have not been feeling well all week and found out today that I have a kidney infection. I will be on antibiotics for a while now. One of my choices for body is eating 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day. I have been eating a big salad every day for lunch. I estimate the salad as 3 servings, and then I also 3 or 4 servings of fruit throughout the day. I hope to move up to the treadmill next week, or when I am feeling better.
The last category in the challenge is Spirit. This one is where I have had the most problems. I keep thinking I will learn to knit, but haven't worked much on that this week. I have tried the meditating thing this week. I always have a hard time sleeping, so meditating while I am trying to fall asleep has worked well. Next week I will be helping out with the 4H club at the junior high school. They were looking for teachers who would be willing to share a skill. It won't be strictly volunteer, because I will be getting a small stipend for teaching though. I am going to do a google class, and teach all the many things that can be done with google. I took a class like this myself several weeks ago and loved it. I learned all kinds of fun things. I hope the students will enjoy it as much as I do.
I think my next blog post will be about all I learned in Google. Writing about it will help me plan my lessons. I think it is an 8 week class. I am excited about it.
I have been playing a matching game on my computer several times a day for my mind challenge. I enjoy doing the matching game, and it is quick. I can play in between classes in my lab. I am going to purchase a book of mind puzzles next month. The book has word search, math puzzles, word puzzles and many other types of activities. I could probably do the same thing on the computer, but there is something about holding a pencil and writing things.
I have been doing the easy thing for the body portion of the challenge this week. I have not been feeling well all week and found out today that I have a kidney infection. I will be on antibiotics for a while now. One of my choices for body is eating 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day. I have been eating a big salad every day for lunch. I estimate the salad as 3 servings, and then I also 3 or 4 servings of fruit throughout the day. I hope to move up to the treadmill next week, or when I am feeling better.
The last category in the challenge is Spirit. This one is where I have had the most problems. I keep thinking I will learn to knit, but haven't worked much on that this week. I have tried the meditating thing this week. I always have a hard time sleeping, so meditating while I am trying to fall asleep has worked well. Next week I will be helping out with the 4H club at the junior high school. They were looking for teachers who would be willing to share a skill. It won't be strictly volunteer, because I will be getting a small stipend for teaching though. I am going to do a google class, and teach all the many things that can be done with google. I took a class like this myself several weeks ago and loved it. I learned all kinds of fun things. I hope the students will enjoy it as much as I do.
I think my next blog post will be about all I learned in Google. Writing about it will help me plan my lessons. I think it is an 8 week class. I am excited about it.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Challenge: FitMS
While at my Tysabri infusion at the neurologist today, I learned of a program that started last week. The program is a fitness challenge for those with Multiple Sclerosis. I am a week late starting, but it may be just the motivation I need to accomplish some goals I have for myself this year. My goals included writing more in my blog, developing stronger family bonds, and getting more exercise.
The chalenge covers three areas: Mind, Body and Spirit. Writing in my blog satisfies the Mind catagory. Other choices for the mind catagory include Playing brain exercize games to promote memory and thinking, doing word puzzles, or reading 30 minutes a day. I would like to journal a few times a week, and try other things the other days of the week.
For the Body part of the challenge, the choices include eating 5-9 servings of fruit in the day, 5-9 servings of fruits/vegetables, drink 48 oz. of water, No junk food, 20-30 min. of stretching, cardioand/or strength training. I think the no junk food one is probably too difficult for me, and probably the 48 oz of water would be pretty hard also, but I am sure I can find one of them each day to satisfy the challenger. My biggest goal for this area will be walking on the tread mill or doing yoga
The Spirit portion of the challenge includes: 20-30 min. of service performed
(community/church/family), Outing with friends or family, Cultivate a new or old hobby or 5-10 min. mediation/prayer. I am assuming Mediation means the same thing as meditation, or the directions for the challenge have a typo. I would love to learn to knit, but have had a very hard time learning. Maybe if I try a little everyday, I will learn the skill.
I am looking forward to doing the challenge, and hope to stick with it...for myself, not for the weekly prizes I can win. Of course, if I win something I will accept it, but the biggest prize will by the fitness of my mind, body and spirit.
The chalenge covers three areas: Mind, Body and Spirit. Writing in my blog satisfies the Mind catagory. Other choices for the mind catagory include Playing brain exercize games to promote memory and thinking, doing word puzzles, or reading 30 minutes a day. I would like to journal a few times a week, and try other things the other days of the week.
For the Body part of the challenge, the choices include eating 5-9 servings of fruit in the day, 5-9 servings of fruits/vegetables, drink 48 oz. of water, No junk food, 20-30 min. of stretching, cardioand/or strength training. I think the no junk food one is probably too difficult for me, and probably the 48 oz of water would be pretty hard also, but I am sure I can find one of them each day to satisfy the challenger. My biggest goal for this area will be walking on the tread mill or doing yoga
The Spirit portion of the challenge includes: 20-30 min. of service performed
(community/church/family), Outing with friends or family, Cultivate a new or old hobby or 5-10 min. mediation/prayer. I am assuming Mediation means the same thing as meditation, or the directions for the challenge have a typo. I would love to learn to knit, but have had a very hard time learning. Maybe if I try a little everyday, I will learn the skill.
I am looking forward to doing the challenge, and hope to stick with it...for myself, not for the weekly prizes I can win. Of course, if I win something I will accept it, but the biggest prize will by the fitness of my mind, body and spirit.
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